Configuring Custom Estimation Schemes

Configuring Custom Estimation Schemes

The Quantum::Estimator plugin comes with three predefined estimation schemes supporting PERT estimations for integers, double or Fibonacci numbers. Select the scheme you would like to use by selecting the Set Default action. Schemes which are not in use can be deleted or edited. If you would like to change a scheme which is currently in use, copy the scheme, edit it and set it as default. Once a scheme is used in an estimation, it will be locked and you will have to copy it as well in order to create an new scheme or to update an existing scheme.

You will always be able to view the current settings in a scheme, even if it is set as default or locked, by selecting the view action.

One you open an estimation scheme be selecting the view or update action, you will be redirected to the scheme editor.

The estimation scheme editor (or viewer) will offer you the following configuration options:

  • Renaming estimations schemes

  • Selecting estimation method (the current version of the Quantum::Estimator only supports the PERT estimation scheme)

  • Selecting the value scheme

    • Integer value scheme: Only integer values will be accepted as input to the estimate dialog

    • Double value scheme: Double values will be accepted as input to the estimate dialog

    • Fibonacci value scheme: Instead of a number field, the estimation dialog will offer a drop-down with Fibonacci numbers

    • You will also be able to define the minimum and maximum allowed values

  • Choosing the Estimation Units

    • Based on your selection the estimated values will be converted when copied to the Jira Time-Tracking or Story-Points fields

    • You also have the option to define a custom unit. Custom units will not be converted but copied as is.

  • Setting the Estimation visibility policies

    • Select the policy for estimate, estimation task and estimation level

    • Supported policies are

      • Blind: The estimates will never be shown, just the aggregated value after completing the estimation

      • Disclose after estimate: The estimates and the aggregated values will be shown to the user after he gave his estimate

      • Disclose after estimation: The estimates and the aggregated values will be shown to the user after the estimation is complete (status `ESTIMATED`)

      • Open: The estimates and the aggregated values will always be shown to the user even before he gave his estimate